(956) 661-U-SEE | 661-8733

The Latest Information on Vision and Eye Care

Peña Eye Institute in McAllen and Harlingen, TX

Jul 21

After undergoing LASIK surgery, patients must avoid staring at computer, phone, and TV screens while healing. A skilled refractive surgeon explains why.

Jun 21
Tagged with: Lasik

At Peña Eye Institute, Dr. Raul Peña discusses how long the LASIK procedure takes, along with the steps involved with the procedure.

May 21

Medicare Part B covers medically necessary cataract surgery. An eye doctor and vision surgeon can discuss if your cataract removal procedure qualifies.

Apr 21
Tagged with: Glaucoma

There are multiple types of glaucoma. Our vision and eye care specialists compare the various kinds of glaucoma and your options for care.

Mar 21
Tagged with: Cataracts

Advances in technology means that cataract surgery is safer and more effective than ever. Raul Peña provides cataract surgery success rates and statistics.

Feb 22
Tagged with: Lasik

LASIK surgery improves vision, but patients must wait for vision to recover before driving. Dr. Peña explains how soon patients may drive after LASIK.

Feb 5
Tagged with: Lasik

Dr. Raul Peña presents some LASIK statistics to provide patients with more information about this popular vision correction treatment.

Jan 16
Tagged with: Dry Eye

Dr. Raul Peña helps patients with more than just vision correction. Determining if you have eye allergies vs. dry eyes can improve your quality of life.

Nov 29
This cataract surgery recovery timeline will give you a good understanding of the healing process and what you can expect. We’ll share side effect info and post-op advice.
Oct 21
Tagged with: Lasik

Dr. Raul Peña discusses how the presence of astigmatism affects LASIK costs, in terms of technology and extent of treatment.

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p (956) 661-U-SEE | 661-8733