(956) 661-U-SEE | 661-8733
May 16
Tagged with: Glaucoma

Close-up picture of the eyes

Glaucoma is a condition that causes damage to the optic nerve connecting the eye to the brain. The disease is characterized by high intraocular pressure due to fluid buildup in the eye. Glaucoma is a progressive condition that can cause irreversible vision loss, making early diagnosis and treatment essential to preserving eyesight.

While glaucoma commonly affects both eyes, some people develop the condition in just one eye. Dr. Raul Peña of Peña Eye Institute in Harlingen, TX, discusses the possibility of getting glaucoma in one eye, the causes of the condition, and the treatments and other procedures offered to preserve ocular health and vision.

Can I Get Glaucoma In One Eye?

Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve and compromise vision. The two primary classifications of glaucoma are angle-closure glaucoma and open-angle glaucoma, with open-angle being the most common. In many cases, glaucoma affects both eyes. However, a person can develop glaucoma in just one eye.

Recognizing Glaucoma Symptoms

Angle-closure glaucoma develops suddenly and produces immediate symptoms, but the more common open-angle glaucoma develops gradually and rarely produces symptoms in its earliest stages. Routine eye exams are vital to diagnosing glaucoma before irreversible damage occurs.

Our Harlingen patients should recognize the signs of glaucoma so they can report any symptoms to Dr. Peña as soon as possible. Potential glaucoma warning signs include:

  • Eye pain
  • Blurred vision
  • Halos around light sources
  • Headaches
  • Eye vision

Causes of Glaucoma

Glaucoma symptoms are linked to increased intraocular pressure. It is not clear what causes glaucoma or why some patients develop the condition in one eye instead of both. However, there are certain conditions known to increase the risk of glaucoma. Glaucoma is more common for individuals:

  • Over the age of 55
  • With a family history of glaucoma
  • With black, Asian, or Hispanic heritage
  • With thin corneas
  • With medical conditions such as diabetes, sickle cell anemia, and high blood pressure
  • With extreme nearsightedness or farsightedness
  • With a past eye injury or eye surgery

Glaucoma Treatment

Eye damage and vision loss related to glaucoma are irreversible. Fortunately, there are treatments to manage the condition and prevent further damage from occurring. Dr. Peña offers glaucoma treatment at his Harlingen eye clinic. The goal of glaucoma treatment is to lower intraocular pressure. The treatment recommended to each patient depends on the stage of glaucoma and the extent of eye damage and vision loss.

The two most effective glaucoma treatments are laser treatment and glaucoma surgery.

  • Laser treatment - Laser treatment is an in-office procedure that uses a laser to safely and effectively drain fluids out of the affected eye.
  • Glaucoma surgery - Advanced cases of glaucoma may require surgery. During glaucoma surgery, Dr. Peña uses a laser or small surgical tool to create drainage holes in the affected eye to release intraocular fluids.

Contact Us

Routine eye exams are essential to diagnosing and treating glaucoma in its earliest stages. If you are due for a routine eye exam or are experiencing potential glaucoma symptoms, we invite you to contact the Peña Eye Institute online and schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience.

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p (956) 661-U-SEE | 661-8733