(956) 661-U-SEE | 661-8733
Jan 30

smiling womanIntraLASIK is blade-free laser eye surgery that creates clearer vision and reduces the need for eyeglasses and contact lenses. Although LASIK is one of the best known procedures for correcting vision, there are other options, like Visian ICL. 

Visian ICL is one of the latest advances in correcting vision problems and, like LASIK, can reduce or eliminate the need for eyeglasses or contact lenses.  

At Peña Eye Institute, Dr. Raul Peña offers both Visian ICL and IntraLASIK to patients in Harlingen, TX, and can help determine which treatment may be right for you. Schedule a consultation and find out why Peña Eye is known for their eye care services

What’s the Difference Between Visian ICL and IntraLASIK?

Both Visian ICL and IntraLASIK, also simply called LASIK, correct vision problems called refractive errors. Refractive errors make vision blurry and are caused by an issue with either the shape of the eye, the cornea, or the lens. When there’s an issue with the shape of any of these structures, the eye is unable to focus clearly on objects, causing blurry or distorted vision. 

Vision ICL and LASIK help create clearer vision by improving the eye’s ability to focus but they each do so in slightly different ways: 

  • Visian ICL: Visian ICL, which stands for implantable collamer lens, is a type of intraocular lens that’s placed behind the iris and in front of the natural lens of the eye to correct nearsightedness (myopia) and astigmatism.   
  • LASIK: LASIK is a laser eye surgery treatment in which vision problems, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, are corrected by reshaping the cornea. Blade-free LASIK, also known as IntraLASIK, is performed with a special laser to precisely correct the shape of the cornea. 

Candidates for Visian ICL

Although both Visian ICL and LASIK are used to improve vision, there are differences that may make one more suitable for your needs than the other. 

Visian ICL can only treat nearsightedness and astigmatism. Visian ICL doesn’t correct farsightedness (hyperopia) so those with farsightedness will need to look to LASIK instead. 

Additionally, Harlingen patients who have nearsightedness or astigmatism may make good candidates for Visian ICL even if they have dry eyes, thin corneas, or mild to severe refractive errors. 

Candidates for IntraLASIK

People with moderate nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism may be good candidates for LASIK provided they have generally healthy eyes that are free of corneal disease or other eye conditions, including thin corneas, dry eyes, glaucoma, or cataracts. 

It should also be noted that those who have severe refractive errors may not be ideal candidates for LASIK. In such cases, Visian ICL may be able to help.

The Benefits of Visian ICL and IntraLASIK

Whether you’re a candidate for Visian ICL or IntraLASIK, there are many benefits for undergoing either treatment. 

Both procedures can significantly improve vision, making the world look crisper and clearer without the need for eyeglasses or contact lenses. 

Both procedures are also relatively quick, often taking less than 30 minutes to treat both eyes. In addition, many patients notice an immediate improvement in their vision after either procedure and are usually able to return to their normal, non-strenuous activities within a day or two following surgery.   

Find Out Which Treatment Is Right for You

Dr. Peña offers both blade-free IntraLASIK and Visian ICL at his Harlingen practice. To find out if you’re a candidate for either treatment or for help deciding which one is right for you, we welcome you to schedule a consultation

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