(956) 661-U-SEE | 661-8733

The Latest Information on Vision and Eye Care

Peña Eye Institute in McAllen and Harlingen, TX

Dec 21
Tagged with: Eye Care, Eye Injury
Corneal abrasions have numerous causes. The vision care team at Peña Eye Institute considers these eye injuries and offers tips for prevention and protection your eyesight.
Nov 21
Tagged with: Eye Care, Eye Exam

Dr. Raul Peña discusses the eye conditions that are the most common cause of poor central vision.

Sep 25
Tagged with: Eye Care, Eye Exam

Learn about the eye conditions that can cause poor peripheral vision, and why any change in your peripheral vision should be treated as an emergency.

Aug 21
Tagged with: Eye Care

Experienced eye doctor Raul Peña provides an overview of some of the most common eye conditions and discusses when they typically develop.

Jul 21

Refractive or clear lens replacement surgery uses intraocular lenses (IOLs) to address presbyopia and refractive errors.

Jun 22
Tagged with: Lasik, Eye Care

Laser eye surgeon Raul A. Peña discusses the effect LASIK treatment can have on a patient’s depth perception.

May 22
Tagged with: Glaucoma, Eye Care

Dr. Raul Peña discusses the risk factors that increase the chances of a patient developing glaucoma.

Mar 23
Tagged with: Lasik, Eye Care

Dr. Raul Peña provides post-operative LASIK visits that allow him to monitor each patient’s recovery, as well as the success of treatment.

Dec 20
Tagged with: Lasik, Side Effects

After undergoing LASIK surgery, patients may experience light sensitivity as a side effect. Let's consider recovery from laser vision correction.

Nov 18

Ocular allergy testing can help identify the exact cause of eye irritation and allergic reactions. Let's go over the process and who should consider it.

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p (956) 661-U-SEE | 661-8733