(956) 661-U-SEE | 661-8733
Sep 25

Conditions That Cause Poor Peripheral Vision

Conditions That Cause Poor Peripheral Vision

Tagged with: Eye Care, Eye Exam

Tunnel vision demonstrated by how a tree would appear to someone with poor peripheral visionAt Peña Eye Institute, Dr. Raul “Raulito” Peña offers a comprehensive range of eye care services in addition to world-class vision correction. Among the eye conditions he diagnoses and treats are those that cause poor peripheral vision. The quality of your peripheral vision is essential to the overall quality of your vision. When your peripheral vision is compromised, it can make the performance of everyday tasks challenging, if not impossible. More concerning, a decline in peripheral vision can be a symptom of a serious eye disorder or even general health condition.

The key to managing any eye condition effectively is early intervention. By scheduling a comprehensive eye exam as soon as you notice a change in your peripheral vision, you can help to ensure that any problem with your eyes is diagnosed in the earliest possible stages, when it is likely most treatable. Dr. Peña is able to provide excellent treatment for a wide range of conditions that cause poor peripheral vision at his McAllen, TX eye care practice; however, he can only provide this treatment if he is able to diagnose conditions first.

Remember that you have nothing in your life more precious than your vision. Schedule your eye exam at Peña Eye Institute today.

Eye Conditions That Compromise Peripheral Vision

When a person’s peripheral vision is lost or diminished, the resulting condition is called “tunnel vision.” The most common eye conditions that can result in tunnel vision include:

  • Glaucoma: Glaucoma is referred to as “the silent thief of sight,” because it often manifests no clear symptoms in its earliest stages. When elevated intraocular pressure does cause symptoms, the most obvious is usually compromised peripheral vision resulting from optic nerve damage. Because glaucoma has already done serious damage to the eye by the time symptoms become noticeable, and the condition cannot be cured but only managed, it is important to seek immediate treatment if you experience loss of your peripheral vision. If left untreated, glaucoma will result in blindness. Conversely, vision can be preserved through effective management for years if treatment is sought in a timely manner.
  • Retinal damage: If the sides of the retina are damaged, peripheral vision can be affected, whether it is compromised or lost entirely. Lost peripheral vision can also be a symptom of a detached retina. In children, it can be a sign of retinitis pigmentosa, a rare congenital disease that eventually results in blindness.
  • Eye occlusions: Known informally as “eye strokes,” eye occlusions result from a blockage of the blood flow to the optic nerve and other internal structures. One of the symptoms of an eye occlusion is peripheral vision loss.

While these eye conditions are undoubtedly serious, loss of peripheral vision can also indicate even more serious brain damage to the brain, such as might result from a stroke. This is why any change in peripheral vision should be treated as an urgent medical matter.

Learn More about Conditions That Cause Poor Peripheral Vision

To learn more about eye conditions that cause poor peripheral vision, please contact Peña Eye Institute today.

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