(956) 661-U-SEE | 661-8733
Jul 21

A woman undergoing an eye examCataracts are a common vision problem, affecting many people as they age. If left untreated, cataracts can make vision foggy and make it difficult to see while driving and completing other daily tasks.

There is no cure for cataracts but they can be treated with cataract surgery. If you have untreated cataracts, it’s important to know the signs you might need surgery. Dr. Raul Peña can address your concerns about untreated cataracts and the signs you might need surgery at the Peña Eye Institute in Harlingen, TX.

About Cataracts

A cataract refers to the clouding of the lens of the eye. This clouding is caused by a breakdown of the proteins in the eye’s lens and can cause things to look foggy.

Cataracts are a common problem with age, frequently beginning to develop between the ages of 40 and 50. Although cataracts can begin to form as early as 40, it can take many years for symptoms to develop.

Cataracts can also form as a result of an injury to the eye or as a result of certain other diseases, like diabetes.

Signs It May Be Time for Cataract Surgery

People can have cataracts for years before they become noticeable and begin to interfere with daily life. As cataracts progress, they can make it difficult to see clearly enough to read, drive, and do other daily tasks.

Once cataracts begin to impact quality of life, it’s likely time to undergo cataract surgery. Cataract surgery is the only treatment for cataracts. With cataract surgery at our Harlingen practice, the clouded lens of the eye is removed and replaced with a clear, artificial lens.

There are several signs to be aware of when considering whether it’s time to undergo surgery for untreated cataracts. The following are some signs to be aware of.

Yellowed, Foggy Vision

Cataracts cloud the normally clear lens of the eyes. This can cause things to take on a yellow and sometimes brownish hue. Some people may also feel like they’re looking through a fog.

Difficulty Seeing in the Dark

It can be difficult for people with cataracts to see in the dark or low light conditions. This can be dangerous when walking in a dark area and increase the risk of falls and other accidental injuries.

Halos Around Bright Lights

Seeing halos around lights is a common problem for people with cataracts. Cataracts can cause people to see halos around lights as a result of how the light enters the clouded lens. This causes the light to disperse abnormally through the eyes, resulting in halos around lights.

Difficulty with Nighttime Driving

Driving at night can be difficult with cataracts. Not only is it difficult for people with cataracts to see when it’s dark, but street lights, lights from other cars, and traffic lights can cause glare and halos that also make it hard to see.

Sensitivity to Light

Cataracts can cause sensitivity to bright light. For some, sensitivity may be extreme enough to cause pain or discomfort.

Double Vision

Some people may experience double vision as cataracts progress. Double vision can happen as a result of how light moves through a clouded lens.

Schedule an Appointment

If you have noticed the signs of cataracts, it’s important to undergo an eye examination to determine if it’s time for cataract surgery. Schedule an appointment with Harlingen ophthalmologist Raul Peña.

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