(956) 661-U-SEE | 661-8733
Aug 20
Tagged with: Lasik, Eye Care

A woman lying in the grass with a book on her chestLASIK and custom LASIK eye surgery offer dramatic and long lasting improvements to vision and have been shown to be safe and effective at helping people eliminate or reduce their dependence on glasses and contacts.

LASIK also consistently shows a high success rate. Studies show that the complication rate with LASIK is less than 1 percent. However, as with any surgery, there are some common side effects. 

The side effects you may experience are also dependent on the type of LASIK you undergo. Traditional LASIK typically has more side effects than IntraLASIK (blade-free LASIK). 

Dr. Raul Peña, an experienced ophthalmologist with offices in McAllen and Harlingen, can explain IntraLASIK side effects. He can also determine if you would be a good candidate for IntraLASIK.

For most patients, side effects from IntraLASIK are minor and temporary, disappearing in a few days or weeks after surgery. Others may experience side effects for a few weeks or months.


Not surprisingly after surgery, some people feel physical discomfort in the eyes immediately after surgery. The discomfort ranges from mild tingling to moderate pain, but typically disappears within a few hours of surgery. Lubricating eye drops or pain medication can help minimize your discomfort.

Dry Eyes

Dry eyes is the most common side effect among LASIK patients and is easily treated with prescription eye drops. Symptoms include a sandy, gritty feeling in the eyes or a “heavy” feeling to the eyes. With regular use of eye drops, your eyes should return to normal after a few weeks. People who previously had dry eyes or allergies may experience worse symptoms. People who have severely dry eyes may not be good candidates for LASIK.

Light Sensitivity

Light sensitivity is also common, but it generally disappears within a few days. Wearing sunglasses and avoiding bright light in the first few days can minimize your discomfort.

The main concern is resisting the urge to rub or press your eyes in response to light sensitivity. 

Night Vision Problems

Night vision problems have been significantly reduced with the newer custom LASIK method. In fact, some people report better night vision after custom LASIK than before surgery, when they wore glasses or contacts.

However, there still may be a temporary period of night vision problems after surgery. This includes a slight loss of contrast perception in low light, which can make it harder to see objects in dark surroundings. Other night vision problems can include seeing halos around light sources or spiky shapes, called starbursts, around light sources. Glare may be another problem.

Night vision problems typically disappear within three to six months.



If you would like to learn more about IntraLasik, please contact our offices to learn more.

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